News + Events2017-12-04T12:26:23-05:00

CMC Ontario News

202 2023

Earmark / George Crotty

By |2 February 2023|Categories: Earmark|

In this instalment of Earmark, we catch up with Associate Composer George Crotty about convincing your parents to take music lessons, getting in touch with your roots, and finding your own way in a music career. CMC: What are your plans as we ease out of the pandemic? How has your form of artistic practice [...]

3001 2023

Follow Up: Véronique Noël on the TSO’s Explore the Score

By |30 January 2023|Categories: Awards + Projects, News, Ontario|

CMC Ontario Regional Director Joseph Glaser sat down with Véronique Noël, a participant in the latest edition of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s Explore the Score program to discuss her participation in the reading session.    Since 2012, the TSO has given some of Canada’s top emerging composers an opportunity to hear their works rehearsed in a [...]

501 2023

An Interview with HPO Fellow Cadu Verdan

By |5 January 2023|Categories: Awards + Projects, Ontario, Region|Tags: |

CMC Ontario Regional Director Joseph Glaser sat down with HPO composer Fellow, Cadu Verdan to discuss his participation in the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra Composer Fellowship program.    The program was launched in collaboration with the Ontario Region of the Canadian Music Centre in our 18-19 Season. The program is aimed at connecting early career composers with [...]

2408 2022

Follow up: A Conversation with the Participants of the HPO Reading Session

By |24 August 2022|Categories: Awards + Projects, Ontario|

CMC Ontario Regional Director Joseph Glaser sat down with the participants in the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra's reading sessions, Andrew James Clark, Sophie Dupuis, Nathalee Jacques, and Paul Alexander Lessard to discuss their participation in the reading sessions on June 23rd and 25th conducted by Gary Kulesha. Sophie and Nathalee's readings were the culmination of their [...]

508 2022

Earmark / Benjamin Sajo

By |5 August 2022|Categories: Earmark, Ontario, Region|

We catch up with Associate Composer Benjamin Sajo about responding to the pandemic with an increased need to write for oneself, moving to Nunavut and the role that music educators play in young musicians' lives. 

208 2022

An Interview with HPO fellow Luis Ramirez

By |2 August 2022|Categories: Awards + Projects, Ontario, Region|Tags: |

CMC Ontario Regional Director Joseph Glaser sat down with HPO composer fellow, Luis Ramirez to discuss his participation in the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra Composer Fellowship program.   The program was launched in collaboration with the Ontario Region of the Canadian Music Centre in our 18-19 Season. The program is aimed at connecting early career composers [...]

CMC Ontario Events

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