CMC Ontario News
Jacques Hétu: A Life in Six Pictures
Robin Elliott shares a series of reflections as we commemorate the tenth anniversary of Hétu’s death
Earmark / Itamar Danziger
In this instalment of Earmark, Itamar Danziger discusses klezmer, the mesmerizing music of Srul Irving Glick, and getting to the other side of the pandemic a better composer
Earmark / Felipe Téllez
An interview with Associate Composer Felipe Téllez on early musical inspiration, recent works, and creative outlets during the pandemic
Earmark / Brandon Walker
Brandon Walker talks about new skills, balancing family life, and more in this edition of Earmark
Unsound On Sound Bonus Episode
This is our version of that Magic School Bus episode when the class went into Ralphie, except we are learning about kidneys, creatinine, and their musical representation in James Lowrie's "Bloodwork"
Earmark / Margaret Maria
We hear from Margaret Maria on her musical practice, and her gradual arrival at composing through her performance practice