CEE Book Party and Performance

Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

RSVP Thursday, October 19, 2023 Chalmers House, Toronto. Door: 7:30. Performance: 8:00 PWYC Cash bar The Canadian Electronic Ensemble (CEE) and the Canadian Music Centre – Ontario region co-host the book launch of An Orchestra at My Fingertips: A History of the Canadian Electronic Ensemble by Dr. Alexa Woloshyn. Published this summer by McGill-Queens [...]

Piano Lunaire presents COMPOSERS IN PLAY: “Keyboard of Colours”

Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Friday, October 20, 2023 Chalmers House, Toronto.Door: 7:00. Performance: 7:30General $25; Seniors/arts workers $20; Students FREEReception and Complimentary Bar COMPOSERS IN PLAY: Keyboard of Colours Pianist/Composer Adam Sherkin presents COMPOSERS IN PLAY: "Keyboard of Colors," featuring the piano music of Canadians Zosha Di Castri, Matthew Ricketts, Kotoka Suzuki and Sherkin himself.Japanese-Canadian Kotoko Suzuki's Hidden Voices is a richly [...]

Shoe Box Composer’s Concerts #2

Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Date: October 24th, 2023 Time: 8pm, doors at 7:30 Location: Canadian Music Centre, 20 St Joseph St, Toronto ON   Shoe Box Composer's Concerts is a new community-based concert series that provides emerging composers the opportunity to write pieces for diverse instrumentations and hear them played live. Each concert features a different instrumentation and group [...]

cons•tell •ation | 星星 of contemporary wind

Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Get ready for an enchanting evening as Canadian-Vietnamese saxophonist, Jennifer Tran, and Chinese pianist, Jialiang Zhu, come together to bring you cons•tell •ation | 星星 of contemporary wind. This exceptional showcase is a musical voyage through contemporary starlight that illuminate the rich tapestry of their cultural heritage and life stories. The program will transport you through the [...]

Rivers #6: The View From The Jury Room

Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Free with RSVP   Ever get the results back from an application and wondered “Hmm - I wonder what went on in that meeting?” Ever thought to yourself “What would make this application stand out amongst a pool of 50-60+ applicants?” Ever wanted to know what red flags can get an application immediately dropped [...]

five poets (& two composers) breaking into song #10

Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

George Elliott Clarke & East and West Learning Connections present:   five poets (& two composers) breaking into song #10    Featuring vocalist Laura Swankey in works by Juliet Palmer & James Rolfe   Poetry by: George Elliott Clarke, Gwendolynne MacEwen, Irving Layton, Mansour Noorbakhsh, Giovanna Riccio, Armand Garnet Ruffo, Yeshim Ternar   Artist biographies: https://tinyurl.com/5-poets-program   December 15, 7-9pm | [...]


Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

RSVP   RESILIENCE ALBUM LAUNCHCANADIAN MUSIC CENTRE 20 St Joseph St, Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9 12.19.202317h Performance Emmanuel Vukovich - violin Katherine Dowling - pianoBéla Bartòk, Sheila Silver, Zosha Di Castri, Dinuk Wijeratne ReceptionColio Wines Gravitas Fine Foods     ________ RESILIENCE is the debut album of Canadian violinist Emmanuel Vukovich featuring Canadian artists - pianist Katherine Dowling and baritone Philippe Sly performing Dinuk Wijeratne’s Sonata [...]


Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

SUSTENANCE A Program of Premières Elation Pauls Violin, Serouj Kradjian Piano With Guests David Braid Piano, Karen Sunabacka Narration Jan 10, 2024 - 7:30pm Chalmers House 20 St. Joseph St. Toronto, ON ~~~~~~~~~~ About the program: What sustains you? Us? Our planet? What happens when sustenance is absent? From the energy and joy that the [...]

CMC Ontario Artist is Residence Showcase

918 Bathurst 918 Bathurst st., Toronto, ON, Canada

RSVP CMC Ontario is proud to host an evening showcasing the incredible work of our artists in residence from December and January. Featured artists: Backlined Quartet https://withkoji.com/@Backlined Paolo Griffin https://paologriffin.com/ Arie Verheul van de Ven https://arievvdv.ca Doors @ 6:00 First set @ 6:30 Second set @ 8:00 Third set @ 9:30 Refreshments and conversation [...]

Dance of Shadows

Chalmers Performance Space 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Doors open: 7:00 PM Show Starts: 7:30 PM Advance Tickets are Only Available On Eventbrite Tickets at the Door: $30   Kamancello, comprised of Shahriyar Jamshidi and Raphael Weinroth-Browne, is an East-meets-West duo whose music transcends genres and cultural boundaries. Their highly evocative improvised performances unite the Kurdish kamanche with the classical cello while traveling [...]

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