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Join conductor Ron Royer, and the Winds of the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra (SPO) for a special project featuring new works by emerging composers. The SPO, along with the Canadian Music Centre (CMC), and University of Toronto Schools (UTS) have coordinated the second edition of a mentorship and writing program for a group of composers whose pieces will be presented as part of the reading session on January 25.

Participating Composers
Brendan Bevan, Ian Chan, Patrick McGraw, Julia Mermelstein, William Zhang (UTS), Blaede Court-Suzuki (UTS)

Mentor Composers
Bruno Degazio, Alex Eddington, Chris Meyer, Elizabeth Raum, Ron Royer

The event will begin at 5:45pm with a roundtable discussion exploring the topic of writing for winds. This is an opportunity for mentor and participating composers to discuss their experiences writing for winds, while addressing technical issues related to individual instruments and ensembles. We will also explore the topic of community practice as part of composing with student and community based ensembles.

About the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra
The SPO is a community orchestra, dedicated to enriching our community through high-quality musical performances. An important part of the SPO mandate is supporting and mentoring young musicians and composers. The Winds of the SPO is a professional subset of the orchestra. A Canadian Panorama recording, featuring music by 7 GTA composers, is designed to help promote Canadian composers worldwide in honour of Canada’s 150th anniversary. As well, this project has a goal of developing repertoire for an intermediate sized wind ensemble. You can find out more about the Canadian Panorama recording by clicking here.

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