New Music for Young Musicians seeks to create and expand the repertoire of top-quality new music, to develop the skills of young string musicians, and to increase the availability and variety of Canadian music for young performers.
The CMC Ontario Region, with support from music and education organizations, commissions Associate Composers to write music specific to the developing musician. This project encourages collaboration between the composer, teacher-conductor, and students, so that each work is innovative, exciting, and suited to the young performers’ education and musical development.
New Music for Young Musicians is made possible through the Norman Burgess Fund. Dr. Norman Burgess was a noted musician, educator, consultant, and administrator. His wish was to expand the repertoire for young string players. Donations to the Norman Burgess Fund can help realize his vision. CMC Ontario Region would like to thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their generous support of New Music for Young Musicians.
Download Your Free Guide
As part of the NMFYM project, the CMC created a How-To Guide which includes information from various composers and consulting educators who participated in developing the repertoire in the Norman Burgess Fund catalogue. Tailored to composers wanting to write educational music, the guide provides insights into writing music that will appeal to students, while also helping teachers and private instructors address curriculum needs and develop student technique.